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The HelixPress is an everything press in the area of extracting juice. Every kind of fruit or vegetable can be put into this machine when sliced in parts.
To extract juice, the sliced fruits and vegetables need to be placed in the funnel where they will be slowly pushed downwards by the helix shaped press. Because more fruit will be squeezed in less space, forces are created that enables the juice to be extracted from the fruit.
The juice of citrus fruits can even be more efficiently extracted with the conical press on top of the helix shaped press.

This efficient way of extracting juice will preserve more vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.
When the juice flows through the filter into the glass, the residue of fruit skins and seeds will be pushed into the removable storage compartment.

The HelixPress is a professional product for usage in "juice bars" or restaurants. It offers transparency, excitement and truth towards the customer because the entire juicing process can be seen.

Product Category
Kitchen Appliance

Target group
Employees at juice-bars

November 2008